Source code for anytree.dotexport

from codecs import open
from os import path
from subprocess import check_call
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from anytree import PreOrderIter

class _Render(object):

    def to_dotfile(self, filename):
        Write graph to `filename`.

        >>> from anytree import Node
        >>> root = Node("root")
        >>> s0 = Node("sub0", parent=root)
        >>> s0b = Node("sub0B", parent=s0)
        >>> s0a = Node("sub0A", parent=s0)
        >>> s1 = Node("sub1", parent=root)
        >>> s1a = Node("sub1A", parent=s1)
        >>> s1b = Node("sub1B", parent=s1)
        >>> s1c = Node("sub1C", parent=s1)
        >>> s1ca = Node("sub1Ca", parent=s1c)

        >>> RenderTreeGraph(root).to_dotfile("")

        The generated file should be handed over to the `dot` tool from the package::

            $ dot -T png -o tree.png
        with open(filename, "w", "utf-8") as file:
            for line in self:
                file.write("%s\n" % line)

    def to_picture(self, filename):
        Write graph to a temporary file and invoke `dot`.

        The output file type is automatically detected from the file suffix.

        *`graphviz` needs to be installed, before usage of this method.*
        fileformat = path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
        with NamedTemporaryFile("wb") as dotfile:
            for line in self:
                dotfile.write(("%s\n" % line).encode("utf-8"))
            cmd = ["dot",, "-T", fileformat, "-o", filename]

[docs]class RenderTreeGraph(_Render): def __init__(self, node, graph="digraph", name="tree", options=None, indent=4, nodenamefunc=None, nodeattrfunc=None, edgeattrfunc=None): """ Dot Language Exporter. Args: node (Node): start node. Keyword Args: graph: DOT graph type. name: DOT graph name. options: list of options added to the graph. indent (int): number of spaces for indent. nodenamefunc: Function to extract node name from `node` object. The function shall accept one `node` object as argument and return the name of it. nodeattrfunc: Function to decorate a node with attributes. The function shall accept one `node` object as argument and return the attributes. edgeattrfunc: Function to decorate a edge with attributes. The function shall accept two `node` objects as argument. The first the node and the second the child and return the attributes. >>> from anytree import Node >>> root = Node("root") >>> s0 = Node("sub0", parent=root, edge=2) >>> s0b = Node("sub0B", parent=s0, foo=4, edge=109) >>> s0a = Node("sub0A", parent=s0, edge="") >>> s1 = Node("sub1", parent=root, edge="") >>> s1a = Node("sub1A", parent=s1, edge=7) >>> s1b = Node("sub1B", parent=s1, edge=8) >>> s1c = Node("sub1C", parent=s1, edge=22) >>> s1ca = Node("sub1Ca", parent=s1c, edge=42) >>> for line in RenderTreeGraph(root): ... print(line) digraph tree { "root"; "sub0"; "sub0B"; "sub0A"; "sub1"; "sub1A"; "sub1B"; "sub1C"; "sub1Ca"; "root" -> "sub0"; "root" -> "sub1"; "sub0" -> "sub0B"; "sub0" -> "sub0A"; "sub1" -> "sub1A"; "sub1" -> "sub1B"; "sub1" -> "sub1C"; "sub1C" -> "sub1Ca"; } >>> def nodenamefunc(node): ... return '%s:%s' % (, node.depth) >>> def edgeattrfunc(node, child): ... return 'label="%s:%s"' % (, >>> for line in RenderTreeGraph(root, options=["rankdir=LR;"], ... nodenamefunc=nodenamefunc, ... nodeattrfunc=lambda node: "shape=box", ... edgeattrfunc=edgeattrfunc): ... print(line) digraph tree { rankdir=LR; "root:0" [shape=box]; "sub0:1" [shape=box]; "sub0B:2" [shape=box]; "sub0A:2" [shape=box]; "sub1:1" [shape=box]; "sub1A:2" [shape=box]; "sub1B:2" [shape=box]; "sub1C:2" [shape=box]; "sub1Ca:3" [shape=box]; "root:0" -> "sub0:1" [label="root:sub0"]; "root:0" -> "sub1:1" [label="root:sub1"]; "sub0:1" -> "sub0B:2" [label="sub0:sub0B"]; "sub0:1" -> "sub0A:2" [label="sub0:sub0A"]; "sub1:1" -> "sub1A:2" [label="sub1:sub1A"]; "sub1:1" -> "sub1B:2" [label="sub1:sub1B"]; "sub1:1" -> "sub1C:2" [label="sub1:sub1C"]; "sub1C:2" -> "sub1Ca:3" [label="sub1C:sub1Ca"]; } """ self.node = node self.graph = graph = name self.options = options self.indent = indent self.nodenamefunc = nodenamefunc self.nodeattrfunc = nodeattrfunc self.edgeattrfunc = edgeattrfunc def __iter__(self): # prepare indent = " " * self.indent nodenamefunc = self.nodenamefunc if not nodenamefunc: def nodenamefunc(node): return nodeattrfunc = self.nodeattrfunc if not nodeattrfunc: def nodeattrfunc(node): return None edgeattrfunc = self.edgeattrfunc if not edgeattrfunc: def edgeattrfunc(node, child): return None return self.__iter(indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, edgeattrfunc) def __iter(self, indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, edgeattrfunc): yield "{self.graph} {} {{".format(self=self) for option in self.__iter_options(indent): yield option for node in self.__iter_nodes(indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc): yield node for edge in self.__iter_edges(indent, nodenamefunc, edgeattrfunc): yield edge yield "}" def __iter_options(self, indent): options = self.options if options: for option in options: yield "%s%s" % (indent, option) def __iter_nodes(self, indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc): for node in PreOrderIter(self.node): nodename = nodenamefunc(node) nodeattr = nodeattrfunc(node) nodeattr = " [%s]" % nodeattr if nodeattr is not None else "" yield '%s"%s"%s;' % (indent, nodename, nodeattr) def __iter_edges(self, indent, nodenamefunc, edgeattrfunc): for node in PreOrderIter(self.node): nodename = nodenamefunc(node) for child in node.children: childname = nodenamefunc(child) edgeattr = edgeattrfunc(node, child) edgeattr = " [%s]" % edgeattr if edgeattr is not None else "" yield '%s"%s" -> "%s"%s;' % (indent, nodename, childname, edgeattr)