Dot Exporter

For any details about the dot language, see graphviz

class anytree.exporter.dotexporter.DotExporter(node, graph='digraph', name='tree', options=None, indent=4, nodenamefunc=None, nodeattrfunc=None, edgeattrfunc=None, edgetypefunc=None)[source]

Bases: anytree.exporter.dotexporter._Render

Dot Language Exporter.


node (Node) – start node.

Keyword Arguments:
  • graph – DOT graph type.
  • name – DOT graph name.
  • options – list of options added to the graph.
  • indent (int) – number of spaces for indent.
  • nodenamefunc – Function to extract node name from node object. The function shall accept one node object as argument and return the name of it.
  • nodeattrfunc – Function to decorate a node with attributes. The function shall accept one node object as argument and return the attributes.
  • edgeattrfunc – Function to decorate a edge with attributes. The function shall accept two node objects as argument. The first the node and the second the child and return the attributes.
  • edgetypefunc – Function to which gives the edge type. The function shall accept two node objects as argument. The first the node and the second the child and return the edge (i.e. ‘->’).
>>> from anytree import Node
>>> root = Node("root")
>>> s0 = Node("sub0", parent=root, edge=2)
>>> s0b = Node("sub0B", parent=s0, foo=4, edge=109)
>>> s0a = Node("sub0A", parent=s0, edge="")
>>> s1 = Node("sub1", parent=root, edge="")
>>> s1a = Node("sub1A", parent=s1, edge=7)
>>> s1b = Node("sub1B", parent=s1, edge=8)
>>> s1c = Node("sub1C", parent=s1, edge=22)
>>> s1ca = Node("sub1Ca", parent=s1c, edge=42)

A directed graph:

>>> from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
>>> for line in DotExporter(root):
...     print(line)
digraph tree {
    "root" -> "sub0";
    "root" -> "sub1";
    "sub0" -> "sub0B";
    "sub0" -> "sub0A";
    "sub1" -> "sub1A";
    "sub1" -> "sub1B";
    "sub1" -> "sub1C";
    "sub1C" -> "sub1Ca";

An undirected graph:

>>> def nodenamefunc(node):
...     return '%s:%s' % (, node.depth)
>>> def edgeattrfunc(node, child):
...     return 'label="%s:%s"' % (,
>>> def edgetypefunc(node, child):
...     return '--'
        >>> from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
>>> for line in DotExporter(root, graph="graph",
...                             nodenamefunc=nodenamefunc,
...                             nodeattrfunc=lambda node: "shape=box",
...                             edgeattrfunc=edgeattrfunc,
...                             edgetypefunc=edgetypefunc):
...     print(line)
graph tree {
    "root:0" [shape=box];
    "sub0:1" [shape=box];
    "sub0B:2" [shape=box];
    "sub0A:2" [shape=box];
    "sub1:1" [shape=box];
    "sub1A:2" [shape=box];
    "sub1B:2" [shape=box];
    "sub1C:2" [shape=box];
    "sub1Ca:3" [shape=box];
    "root:0" -- "sub0:1" [label="root:sub0"];
    "root:0" -- "sub1:1" [label="root:sub1"];
    "sub0:1" -- "sub0B:2" [label="sub0:sub0B"];
    "sub0:1" -- "sub0A:2" [label="sub0:sub0A"];
    "sub1:1" -- "sub1A:2" [label="sub1:sub1A"];
    "sub1:1" -- "sub1B:2" [label="sub1:sub1B"];
    "sub1:1" -- "sub1C:2" [label="sub1:sub1C"];
    "sub1C:2" -- "sub1Ca:3" [label="sub1C:sub1Ca"];