Dictionary Importer

class anytree.importer.dictimporter.DictImporter(nodecls=<class 'anytree.node.anynode.AnyNode'>)[source]

Bases: object

Import Tree from dictionary.

Every dictionary is converted to an instance of nodecls. The dictionaries listed in the children attribute are converted likewise and added as children.

Keyword Arguments:
 nodecls – class used for nodes.
>>> from anytree.importer import DictImporter
>>> from anytree import RenderTree
>>> importer = DictImporter()
>>> data = {
...     'a': 'root',
...     'children': [{'a': 'sub0',
...                   'children': [{'a': 'sub0A', 'b': 'foo'}, {'a': 'sub0B'}]},
...                  {'a': 'sub1'}]}
>>> root = importer.import_(data)
>>> print(RenderTree(root))
├── AnyNode(a='sub0')
│   ├── AnyNode(a='sub0A', b='foo')
│   └── AnyNode(a='sub0B')
└── AnyNode(a='sub1')

Import tree from data.