Source code for anytree.exporter.jsonexporter

import json

from .dictexporter import DictExporter

[docs]class JsonExporter: """ Tree to JSON exporter. The tree is converted to a dictionary via `dictexporter` and exported to JSON. Keyword Arguments: dictexporter: Dictionary Exporter used (see :any:`DictExporter`). maxlevel (int): Limit export to this number of levels. kwargs: All other arguments are passed to :any:`json.dump`/:any:`json.dumps`. See documentation for reference. >>> from anytree import AnyNode >>> from anytree.exporter import JsonExporter >>> root = AnyNode(a="root") >>> s0 = AnyNode(a="sub0", parent=root) >>> s0a = AnyNode(a="sub0A", b="foo", parent=s0) >>> s0b = AnyNode(a="sub0B", parent=s0) >>> s1 = AnyNode(a="sub1", parent=root) >>> exporter = JsonExporter(indent=2, sort_keys=True) >>> print(exporter.export(root)) { "a": "root", "children": [ { "a": "sub0", "children": [ { "a": "sub0A", "b": "foo" }, { "a": "sub0B" } ] }, { "a": "sub1" } ] } .. note:: Whenever the json output does not meet your expections, see the :any:`json` documentation. For instance, if you have unicode/ascii issues, please try `JsonExporter(..., ensure_ascii=False)`. """ def __init__(self, dictexporter=None, maxlevel=None, **kwargs): self.dictexporter = dictexporter self.maxlevel = maxlevel self.kwargs = kwargs def _export(self, node): dictexporter = self.dictexporter or DictExporter() if self.maxlevel is not None: dictexporter.maxlevel = self.maxlevel return dictexporter.export(node)
[docs] def export(self, node): """Return JSON for tree starting at `node`.""" data = self._export(node) return json.dumps(data, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, node, filehandle): """Write JSON to `filehandle` starting at `node`.""" data = self._export(node) return json.dump(data, filehandle, **self.kwargs)